Holiday Ideas -- #1
The Time to Get Organized for the Holidays is Now…

Then, for the real planning, set dates to have specific tasks accomplished. For instance, November 10th have Thanksgiving Dinner organized, November 15th have Holiday Cards ordered or purchased, December 1st have your annual New Year’s Day open house planned, and December 10th have all gifts shipped.
After scheduling, take an hour the next day to start those lists. Who’s getting holiday cards or gifts and what those gifts might be. Your annual cocktail party plans (even down to the last hors d’oeuvre). Stocking up for overnight guests. And, what about the decorating?
Spend an hour over the weekend to take stock of what you have, and decide what you want to supplement your décor from seasons past. Maybe that tree skirt has seen better days. Perhaps your favorite glass balls were crushed while in storage. Maybe it’s your first holiday season on your own and you have almost nothing. Start thinking about what you need and what styles you’re looking for.
Weekly Sterling Pear will post a new holiday idea. We’ll include ideas for holiday decorating, traditions, planning, and organizing. And we won’t stop with Christmas -- we’ll keep it up all year long!
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